
Wednesday, 18 June 2014

2014 - Ferrari Experience Day (Trackday) - Silverstone GP

The first Ferrari Owners Club track day of the season was held on the GP Circuit at Silverstone. Although the forecast for was rain the main weather system decided to avoid Silverstone and the sun actually made an appearance from lunchtime through to the end of the day.  With everything from a 246 Dino through to an Enzo on track it was a fantastic sight and clear that everybody was enjoying the chance to drive the cars as intended.  Don't be afraid get yourself booked into one this year if you haven't tried it. FOC are offering free instruction to all club members, plus for the novice who hasn't tried driving on track before you can have a go for 30 minutes.

Francis Newman, a long standing member of the PHR who has marshalled  many track days over the years finally bought a 308GT4 and used the opportunity to take it on track with yours truly.

See his write-up within the June edition of Ferrari News.

Frances takes to the track with Tris

Paul B's Enzo was on track all day long

Hublot approach to spending 250k was on display